FAQ: Why did an Admin close comments on a thread?
When comments are closed on a thread, no one should ever take it personally or think theyíve done anything ëwrongí as thatís not usually the case.
FAQ: I Started Exercising And GAINED Weight, Does Muscle Weigh More Than Fat?
No! Muscle doesn't weigh any more than anything else. One pound of muscle weighs the same as one pound of fat.
Not the time for Chinese Food
They gave him very little education and the psychologist should have picked up on how non compliant he would be. I tried to talk him out of it but he was determined.
Take Back Thanksgiving!
This year let's make Thanksgiving about the day and the people and not buy in to believing that our worth is tied to a bowl of brown sugar and marshmallow sweet potatoes that we *must* make.
Gastric Bypass Surgery Causes Alcoholism! Really? Nope. It Grabs Attention Though.
Bariatric surgery doesn't necessarily cause alcoholism, the procedure just happens to be performed on a population that carries a lot of emotional baggage