Pro Tip for Post Op Success
How to Recognize Satiety aka Satisfaction
The Honeymoon Phase
The real goal of weight loss surgery is to take 100 pounds off your back while you get your act together and change your relationship with food and your habits and lifestyle in general.
Consistency Is Key
Fried Shrimp, Whale Fries & Birthday Cake!
Quarantine Question: Have You Already Gained Weight?
Bariatric Eating: We're More Than Just a Facebook Group
We've got the real life tools and experience that you can use to get over the mountain you face. We've been helping post ops for over 20 years and we can help you too!
3 Harsh Facts You Need To Accept
This one is going to sting because it's probably what you need to hear the most right now.
The Scale. Friend? Or Enemy?
Four "Hard NO" Foods for Bariatric Eating
Willpower or Resolve?
Do you lick the cat food gravy from your thumb? Is that willpower or resolve? Create a HARD LINE for yourself. Don't. Eat. Them. BOOM.
FAQ: How can you eat all that? That's a lot of food!
Ouch. Sadly this is an all too common comment written when someone PROUDLY shares a photo of their amazing meal in our Facebook Support Groups.