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Please email all inquiries related to customer support at
Orders are packed and shipped on the same or next business day. Tracking numbers come directly from FedEx, UPS OR USPS and are automatically uploaded to your account plus sent to you via email within 48 hours of pick up by shipper.
We are sorry but special promotional offers related to shipping are not extended to those with delivery addresses outside the mainland United States. Even though part of the US, promotional shipping offers do not include either Alaska and Hawaii as these areas are specialty delivery areas for USPS, FedEx and UPS subject to higher rates.
We know getting your products as soon as possible is essential. At checkout, you can select the option that is best for you. Bariatric Eating offers USPS, FedEx, and UPS shipping options. We suggest upgrading to a quicker shipping option if the weather is warm or your order is temperature sensitive. You can find out more at our Bariatric Eating Shipping Policy.
We ship to nearly every country worldwide.
This in IMPORTANT Info Regarding Orders Shipped from the US to Canada.
There are Canadian government duties and taxes that apply to your order: Provincial Sales Taxes (PST) levied by the provinces and Goods & Services Tax (GST), a Value-Added Tax (VAT) levied by the Canadian federal government. Customs brokerage fees, taxes, or tariffs are NOT included in your shipping cost. These additional charges, if applicable, will be your responsibility upon delivery. These are your Canadian government fees that vary by Province - we are unable to provide more specific info for you.
All orders are processed instantly to our warehouse. As a result we can not accept cancellations or changes to orders that have been placed. It is important to carefully confirm your order details before completing your order.
If a package is unclaimed or delivery is refused, we will only issue a refund after the item has returned to our warehouse. Once we receive the item(s), a refund will be provided for the cost of the items only.
We do not accept returns on any consumable products. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We suggest single purchase before scheduling any products for autoshipment.
No returns on any vitamins due to concerns with product tampering. Products you receive have been maintained by our expert warehouse staff under safe, controlled temperature and clean inspected conditions at all times. Protein supplement and/or Vitamins have flavors that are subject to personal taste and we do not guarantee that everyone will ‘like everything’. While we have developed flavor profiles we believe are superior in taste to ‘workout products’, our supplements for bariatric surgery have benefits that will always outweigh taste.
For any refused of delivery, UPS return shipping charges will be deducted from the credit for returned merchandise along with a 20% fee for packaging and fulfillment costs.
On the rare occasion that we may ship you an item other than what you ordered, do not open the product or it will void your right to return it. Please contact us so we can quickly exchange it for the correct item.
FedEx, UPS and USPS charges shipping and fees for the return of undeliverable packages, including refused packages and those where three delivery attempts were unsuccessful. If your package is returned to us for any of these reason, you will be responsible for the cost to reship the package and any or all return charges.
If there is an issue with an order, CLICK HERE to fill out a Customer Service Ticket. Our team will then begin working to see that your issue is resolved. Once ticket is placed, you will receive an initial reply from an agent the same or next business day.
We are sorry that once you have placed an order, we are unable to make any edits - we have a secure closed system where orders are automatically processed to our warehouses.
While it may seem easy for us to ‘throw an item into the box’ or adjust an order because you forgot the coupon, that isn’t how it works. Please carefully confirm your order details including gifts and promos before hitting the Place Order button, as once clicked, orders go through as you made them.
We have the Inspire Post-Op 'Best Of' Kit available that contains our two most popular Inspire flavors along with Inspire Protein Broth, Journey B12 Jellies & a Powerball Protein Shaker!
Another more comprehensive option is The Inspire Diet Box which contains 4 Daily Servings of Inspire Protein you will be using to follow the plan for 2 weeks / 14 days - just add your evening meals as per meal plan outline. The Inspire Diet Box includes:
While we are unable to send free product samples, we encourage you to become a registered user of the web site at BARIATRICEATING.COM. There you can register to receive email announcing coupons, new product promotions, tips, events and other bariatric news!
Please consider that you have wasted more than $33 on things that won't help change your life. Inspire is life-changing for tens of thousands - it is jet fuel for weight loss and keeps you full. It is the number one bariatric choice of protein and has set the world on fire!
Bariatric Eating
25 Corporate Circle
Suite #118
Albany, NY 12203
Due to manufacturing supply chain delays, actual product packaging may differ from product images on our website, however, product ingredients and nutrition facts do not differ.
We love our flavors too and have no reason to change a winning recipe and flavor profile. However, the natural flavorings used to blend Inspire Protein have organically occurring differences due to growing and processing conditions, so small changes in flavor can be expected.
Please email all inquiries related to customer support at