FAQ: Why Can't I Use a Straw? Does Anyone Use a Straw?
FAQ: What Do I Do About Constipation?
FAQ: What happens when I lose the weight? How do I maintain?
This is a very common question in our Facebook Groups, so donít feel bad if youíve wondered this too!
FAQ: How Did you Regain After Having Bariatric Surgery?
Every day someone in our Facebook Group asks how it is even POSSIBLE for a Bariatric Regain to happen.
FAQ: Can I add fruit to Inspire shakes while on the Inspire Diet?
FAQ: But My Nutritionist Said I Could Take Flintstones Vitamins?
What's wrong with taking Children's Vitamins?
FAQ: Why don't you post recipe nutritional stats?
We believe that barring specific medical advice to the contrary, if you're eating whole healthy foods that include a variety of lean meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy and healthy fats and oils, you probably don't need to stress about the numbers - the POUCH handles portion and volume.
FAQ: When can I have coffee? Anyone else told no coffee?
When can I have coffee? Anyone else told no coffee?
FAQ: I'm 'released' to eat Puree after my Bariatric Surgery, what can I have?
I just had my first post op check up and they released me to eat Pureés, what about scrambled eggs?
FAQ: Can I take my protein powder on a flight?
What do we do about taking protein powder on a flight? Cruise? Out of the country?
FAQ: Can I receive Communion after bariatric surgery?
Many members of faith do not want to sit out when it is time for Communion but are concerned that they cannot physically handle the wafer or wine. We have the definitive answer for you.
FAQ: What does everybody mix with their Inspire protein powder?
As for liquid of choice. It is completely up to your preference and what your intentions are for weight loss. This is about being Mindful of Calories but you have to LIKE the taste too.