Egg Drop Soup, Italian Style!
Egg Drop Soup, Italian Style!
This is perfect for any stage, but can be easily made for those early post-op days when your pouch or sleeve is new and tender.

- 1 cup Chicken Stock
- 1 egg, beaten
- 2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese
- Optional: 1 handful roughly chopped fresh baby spinach, pinch of red chili flakes, fresh parsley, chives chopped.
- Bring the stock to a boil in a small saucepan over medium high heat.
- Stir the cheese into the beaten egg.
- With one hand, slowly pour the beaten egg into the pot while stirring with your other hand. The faster you stir the more mixed your egg will become. So if you’d like your soup to be more smooth, stir fast. If you would like a hearty soup with larger pieces of egg, stir slowly and let the egg cook on it's own.
- Once the egg is added, add the spinach if you like and cook for just a minute or two then serve
- Garnish with the parsley, chili flakes and additional cheese if you like.
~~ Spreading joy in the Bariatric Kitchen one recipe at a time, Suzi Shaw!