How to Know If You’ve Chosen the Best Bariatric Protein Powder
Get used to hearing a lot about protein. If you’re following a bariatric diet plan or are preparing for bariatric surgery, you’re going to be hearing about it more and more.
It’s not a bad thing, though. Protein is filling and will keep you satisfied, much more than you think. In fact, it’s easier to get full on protein than on other nutrients, and you’re going to need a heaping dose of protein each day after bariatric surgery in order to help your body recover from the procedure.
That’s one of the reasons that bariatric shakes and protein drinks are so prevalently featured as meal replacements for bariatric diets. However, not all bariatric protein powders are created equal. Issues abound, ranging from grittiness to terrible flavor.
Lucky for you, we’ve compiled this quick list of questions to help you determine whether a protein powder is worth it, or just can’t make the cut when you have so many options at your disposal. Here’s how to know if you’ve chosen the best bariatric protein powder.
First off, does it taste good?Right out of the gate, you’re probably going to want to know if the protein powder tastes good. This is probably the most common gripe there is as it relates to bariatric foods, including protein shakes. Flavorless blends abound, with a more common problem being that they are not only flavorless but possess a decided less-than-pleasant taste or aftertaste.
That being said, it isn’t limited to them. Bariatric protein bars have been likened to flavorless play-doh concoctions with a less than desirable texture and an unpleasant aftertaste. Even bariatric supplements and vitamins that are crucial to proper nutrition when following a bariatric diet have similar gripes.
It’s understandable, then, to be cautious about claims made by producers of protein powders. None of them is going to openly claim that their product is less than high-quality, so you need to be able to read between the lines.
The Inspire bariatric protein powders we offer here at are made with the finest ingredients and are specifically formulated to offer you the best experience in flavor that’s possible. It’s not good enough for us to make the claim. We actually taste test our protein powders to ensure that our customers will receive them warmly - and they have. All of our unique flavors were specially crafted for us in accordance with our strict standards for great flavor.
It may only be the first prerequisite, but it’s an important one. If you can ensure that the protein powder in question is flavorful, you’re well on your way to picking out the best!
Is there variety in flavors?Alright, so you’ve learned enough to be convinced that you’ve found a protein powder that doesn’t just promise to be flavorful, but it actually is. That’s just one consideration. If you really want to be confident that you’ve found the best possible, highest quality protein shake, you’re going to have to do a little more digging.
Another thing you’ll want to look into is the variety in flavor that a given provider will offer you. It’s one thing if a producer of protein powder can key in on one winning formula. Maybe they make a really great chocolate-flavored protein powder. It may be creamy, delicious, and filling, but variety is the spice of life. As amazing as that chocolate protein powder may actually be, you’re going to want to try something else, eventually, at some point.
That is one of the reasons that we have developed quite a portfolio of flavored protein powders to satisfy every taste under the sun. From Coffee Ice Cream flavored protein powders to Pancake Breakfast flavored protein to Peanut Butter Cup flavored proteins and everything in between, we have something for your taste buds to celebrate.
Plus, they’re all simply bursting with flavor. There’s nothing flat or plain about any of our recipes. Every single one of them has been specially formulated to satisfy both our customers and our own demands. You’ll never get bored of the same old flavors when you have so much to choose from!
If all of this is starting to sound too good to be true, don’t worry; it isn’t. But just in case that sounds like a big, bold, braggartly embellishment, you can ask yourself if the protein powder in question uses real or natural ingredients. Many of them don’t but a lot of them do. That should leave little doubt in your mind as to the quality of the finished product!
For example, if you’re wondering why our Inspire Strawberry White Chocolate Protein Powder is simply bursting with strawberry flavor, it’s because it’s made with all-natural ingredients. In fact, it’s not just made with natural ingredients; we take it a step further than that.
Mix one of these up and you’ll notice the little red morsels floating around in there. That’s not just some colorful food coloring mixed in to give it a little razzle-dazzle factor; those are real pieces of real strawberries.
So the next time you’re wondering “How can this taste so much like the real thing?” look more closely at what you’re drinking. It might just actually be the real thing. That’s where serious flavor comes from.
Take a look through our other top-selling protein powders and you’ll see all of the ingredients listed, with many of them making excellent use of all-natural ingredients for undeniably powerful flavor.
How easy is it to mix?By this point, you might be thinking that there simply has to be a catch, but so far, we’re so good. It keeps getting better, though. Just ask yourself how easy it is to mix up the protein powder in the first place. It would be a minor inconvenience to have to jump through hoops to mix it up when you need a quick meal, but worth it for the value of real flavors that can’t be found elsewhere.
Only, you don’t need to experience an inconvenience to mix up any of our protein powders. You don’t need to experience even a minor one! Our protein powders don’t need any special mixing equipment or preparation to turn them into a delightful meal replacement.
All you need is a glass, a spoon, an apportioned amount of protein powder and a little water, or (if allowed by your bariatric surgeon) some milk. Measure them all out, mix them together, stir it up and enjoy the most flavorful protein shake experience you’ve ever had. No special steps in between, no expensive equipment or add ons, just powder, water, and flavor! It’s quick, too; it only takes a couple of seconds at most to get a delicious, creamy protein shake all prepared.
Does it have an unpleasant texture?Now that you’ve mixed up a drink (which took you little effort!) you can get onto the finer points of evaluation. For example, you’ll want to consider things like texture. After all, you’re not simply looking for a good bariatric protein powder. You’re looking for the best.
Unfortunately, some producers of protein powder have created decent tastes but have overlooked the power of texture. Eating isn’t just about flavor. It’s an experience. You eat with your eyes first; you savor the aromas of food, and every food has a mouthfeel. That brings in other senses on top of taste. Maybe you didn’t pay special attention to these other components of the experience, but they were always there.
At any rate, a lot of protein powders mix into lumpy, gritty, even sandy monstrosities even when they are prepared according to the letter of the instructions. In this situation, good enough just isn’t good enough. We’re after the best protein powder here.
If you’ve ever experienced an unfortunate situation like this, you’ll be more than pleased to know that our shakes don’t just mix up effortlessly. They also produce a rich, creamy texture that is smooth and completely devoid of lumps, grittiness, or other unsavory attributes.
In other words, we hit it out of the park with both flavor and texture!
How’s the aftertaste?We’re closing in on the home stretch here. You’re only a few considerations away from being sure beyond a doubt that you’ve found the best protein powder out there. We’re confident, but let’s have you cover all the bases.
You’ve just had a protein powder; it mixed up easily, was silky smooth, and delicious, to top it all off. However, just like when you’re sampling fine wines, you need to note the finish.
Good flavor is not enough. In fact, great flavor is not enough. Sometimes artificial ingredients present a great flavor on the palate that leaves a little more to be desired with the finish. That is to say, sometimes the aftertaste of a protein shake leaves a little to be desired. Sometimes the aftertaste is downright bad.
That, however, is not a fear you will need to face with the protein powders here at You don’t even need to take our word for it, either. Start with that: we use many natural ingredients so you don’t need to be suspicious that you’ll be underwhelmed with a bad aftertaste.
If that isn’t good enough, lean on the advice of those that tried these blends before you did. You can see some of the reviews of these protein powders right on the product pages. See what real customers are saying!
Does it have enough protein to keep you satisfied?One more thing to keep in mind is that you have a meal plan to follow. Flavor and texture are great but the protein powder still has to meet your needs for protein supplementation and high protein intake.
Our Inspire Protein Powders are made with 20 grams of whey protein isolate per scoop and have no fat, sugar, lactose, or gluten. They manage that and they’re bursting with flavor; it’s hardly short of miraculous.
Protein will help your body heal in the aftermath of bariatric surgery and the more protein you have, generally speaking, the better. The other thing to keep in mind is that it’s very easy to get a feeling of fullness and satiety from protein intake. In short, our protein powders will meet your needs for protein intake!
Does it have bioavailable nutrients?Finally, a protein powder that carries adequate bioavailable nutrients is a very valuable commodity. In addition to keeping up your intake of protein, you’ll want to make sure that you’re following your doctor’s recommendations for other supplementation, including calcium, potassium, iron, and other crucial nutrients.
Consider, for example, that many of our Inspire Protein Powders contain Albion Calci-K Calcium Potassium Phosphate Citrate. This proprietary formula contains large amounts of highly bioavailable calcium and potassium to support bone health.
This is just one more nice bonus that we throw into our unique blends. It’s completely undetectable and doesn’t impact the flavor; it just makes the entire package better!
Don’t Go Too Far!
If you’re starting to get the impression that you’ve already stumbled upon the best bariatric protein powder out there, you’re right. There’s a reason that our products are so highly regarded. It’s because from our very beginnings we set out to make the best and be the best.
We had enough of flavorless protein supplements and other “so-called” bariatric meal solutions and replacements. At a certain point, you need to reintroduce flavor to your life. With a little help from, you’ll never even have to take a break from it.
More than Bariatric Protein Powder!
By the way, we offer you more than just protein powders. also specializes in providing ready-made bariatric meal replacements, bariatric protein bars and snacks, bariatric recipes, and much more.
There’s even a lot you can learn on our website, so read up and contact us if you have any questions. You’re one step closer to real flavor in bariatric food than you’ve ever been before!